Showing posts with label Justice and citizenship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Justice and citizenship. Show all posts

Thursday, April 29, 2021

László Pesty reports on the campaign "EU Minority Lives Matter"

Friday 30 of April, the Press Club Brussels Europe will be hosting in their premises, a press conference organized by László Pesty, who is the head of the campaign for the European Citizens Initiative SIGNITEUROPE.COM., also known as “EU Minority Lives Matter”.

According to their statements, “In the European Union, there are about 50 million people who belong to a national minority. Their lands are the national regions we, the civil organizers of the initiative stand for“.

The campaign has collected so far more than 1.150.000 online signatures, reaching the needed thresholds in 10 member states, making it “one of the most successful of its kind, ten days before the deadline of May 7th”.

The EU has seen 76 such citizens’ initiatives but only 6 of them have successfully met the conditions: one million signatures and 7 countries, and SIGNITEUROPE.COM, making it the 3rd most succesful of this type of initiatives.

László Pesty, a well known Hungarian filmmaker, is head of campaign, and he will be present in the Brussels Press Club. It will be a report on the current status of the petition, and to answer all questions. László Pesty takes the floor in Brussels deliberately at the same moment the plenary session of the European Parliament is taking place in Brussels.

Moreover, just a few days before the deadline of the petition,  he also wants to be present himself in the heart of Europe, for a final effort in collecting the required threshold of signatures in Belgium.

Where will the conference be?

The press conference will take place at 11:00 at the premises of the Press Club Brussels Europe, and can be followed from their conference room where Pesty will answer questions, or via the Press Club TV youtube channel.
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For more informarion: Yvonne Mester +36 306990938

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