Saturday, November 27, 2021

Kim Jong-Un inspected a key construction site

Kim Jong-Un inspected a key construction site // North Korean leader Kim Jong Un visited the city of Samjiyon in the northwestern part of the country, where the // View full article here:

Do you want to buy a Roman villa with a mural by Caravaggio?

Do you want to buy a Roman villa with a mural by Caravaggio? // Are you looking for a luxurious residence in Rome and have half a billion euros at your disposal? No need to look // View full article here:

The US State Department welcomes Radev's clarifying position on Crimea

The US State Department welcomes Radev's clarifying position on Crimea // "We welcome President Radev's clarifying statement today, in which he reaffirms Bulgaria's support for Ukraine's // View full article here:

The US State Department welcomes Radev's clarifying position on Crimea

The US State Department welcomes Radev's clarifying position on Crimea // "We welcome President Radev's clarifying statement today, in which he reaffirms Bulgaria's support for Ukraine's // View full article here:

This is a mockery, we are like herring in a barrel: chaos has begun at the airport of a popular resort

This is a mockery, we are like herring in a barrel: chaos has begun at the airport of a popular resort // Noticeably increased travel demand, expansion of available destinations and lengthy medical checks have wreaked havoc // View full article here:

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Four days tied by his feet, hands, and torso to a stretcher, in Spain

Four days tied by his feet, hands, and torso to a stretcher, in Spain // Enrique Gonzalez: "You feel as if you have been buried alive" " they got on top of me, reduced me, put me on the // View full article here:

EU-Africa partnership: Returning (to) cultural heritage

EU-Africa partnership: Returning (to) cultural heritage // The event will be an occasion to reflect jointly with policy-makers, Church representatives and practitioners from // View full article here:

Faiths Working Together Set an Example for Multi-Cultural Harmony

Faiths Working Together Set an Example for Multi-Cultural Harmony // The All Faiths Network (AFN) held its annual Interfaith Week event on 20th November at the Central Gurdwara London // View full article here:

No Time To Get Bored: An American Adventurer-Educator, Explorer, Business Executive, Diver, World Class Traveler

No Time To Get Bored: An American Adventurer-Educator, Explorer, Business Executive, Diver, World Class Traveler // He provided commentary on his various career changes from education to the world of business and hopes readers will be // View full article here: //

Spain will grant more Access to Official documents as it signed the CoE Tromsø Convention

Spain will grant more Access to Official documents as it signed the CoE Tromsø Convention As shown on the website of the Council of Europe (CoE), on 23 November 2021, Ambassador Manuel Montobbio, Permanent Juan Sanchez For full article CLICK

Saturday, October 30, 2021

An overview of the European Convention on Human Rights

The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) is widely recognized as an important and effective international treaty for human rights protection. It has had an important role in the development and awareness raising of human rights in Europe. And it has had a significant influence on law making in most of the European countries. It is difficult to overstate its importance. Europe has in many aspects become a better place to live in the last half of a century, and the ECHR has played an important part in bringing this about.

Human rights were seen as a fundamental tool by the leading powers after the Second World War to prevent the most serious human rights violations which had occurred during the war from happening again.

The drafting of the first human rights instruments, the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, and subsequently the international human rights Covenant, had been initiated within the sphere of the United Nations shortly after the end of the Second World War. It however was progressing slowly, in part due to differing viewpoints on what human rights were or could be agreed upon. This may have been a strongly contributing factor that it was decided to push forward on the human rights agenda for Europe with and at the Congress of Europe held in May 1948.

A declaration and pledge to create a European Convention was issued at the Congress. The second and third Articles of the Pledge stated: “We desire a Charter of Human Rights guaranteeing liberty of thought, assembly and expression as well as right to form a political opposition. We desire a Court of Justice with adequate sanctions for the implementation of this Charter.”

In the summer of 1949, more than 100 parliamentarians from the then twelve member states of the Council of Europe met in Strasbourg for the first ever meeting of the Council’s Consultative Assembly (the assembly of parliamentarians, which today is known as the Parliamentary Assembly). They met to draft a “charter of human rights”, and secondly to establish a court to enforce it.

After extensive debates, the Assembly sent its final proposal to the Council’s decision-making body, the Committee of Ministers. The Ministers convened a group of experts to review and finalize the Convention itself.

The European Convention was discussed and its final text formulated by this expert group, which in part consisted of diplomats from the Ministries of the member states. They sought to incorporate a traditional civil liberties approach to securing “effective political democracy”, from the traditions in the United Kingdom, France and other member states of the newly formed Council of Europe.

The European Convention on Human Rights was opened for signature on 4 November 1950 in Rome, and entered into force on 3rd September 1953.

MEP Hilde Vautmans actively supports the recognition Sikhs in Belgium By Newsdesk Discover the need for Belgium and the EU to recognize Sikh...