Saturday, April 29, 2023

UN Human Rights Council Statement
By Newsdesk
Mr. Secretary-General, High Commissioner Turk, President Bálek, fellow members of the United Nations Human Rights Council: we are marking 75 years since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. At its heart is a simple, yet revolutionary, idea: human rights are universal. Or, as the drafters of the Declaration put it, human rights belong to,
Barcelona hosts KAICIID Conference on Dialogue for Social Inclusion in Cities
By Newsdesk
Castelldefels/Barcelona, SPAIN. Under the theme “Social Inclusion in Cities – Strengthening Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships to Bring Communities into Dialogue”, the International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID), the Blanquerna Observatory for Media, Culture and Religion, the European Council for Religious Leaders (ECRL/RfP Europe), the Higher Institute for Religious Sciences of Barcelona (ISCREB) and the KAICIID-supported “Network for Dialogue” have launched
UNODC and Cafés Malongo celebrate 5th anniversary of cooperation to help farmers worldwide
By Newsdesk
Vienna (Austria), 13 February 2023 — In many of the world’s drug crop-growing areas, isolation and poverty are inherent. Farmers in vulnerable populations cultivate illicit drug crops such as coca and opium poppy because they are unable to obtain sufficient income from legal activities. This is due to factors including a lack of available markets for
Ukraine recognized the independence of the “Chechen Republic of Ichkeria”
By Newsdesk
On Wednesday, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine decided to recognize the “Chechen Republic of Ichkeria” as a “territory temporarily occupied by Russia” and condemned the “genocide against the Chechens”. According to the information of Radio Free Europe, the Ukrainian government is currently engaged in the development of “an electronic platform on which to hold referendums
UN Committee issue recommendations for children with mental health problems in Germany
By Torsten Hjelmar
The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child completed its review on the implementation of human rights for children in Germany. The Committee issued updated Recommendations to be implemented in the next five years. The Recommendations touch on all aspects of children’s rights, from civil rights and liberties of children to how to
In March-April, 12 Jehovah’s Witnesses sentenced to 76 years in prison in all
By Willy Fautre
Not only Russian citizens disagreeing about Russia’s war on Ukraine or asking Putin to stop the war are sentenced to heavy prison terms. Jehovah’s Witnesses whose organization was banned by the Supreme Court in 2017 are arrested and sentenced to huge prison terms for merely practicing their faith in private. Moreover, SOVA CENTER, one of
Russia, Moscow City Court orders liquidación of human Rights NGO SOVA Center
By Newsdesk
On April 27, 2023 Judge Vyacheslav Polyga of the Moscow City Court considered the request filed by Russia’s Ministry of Justice to liquidate the Regional Public Association “Sova” and decided to approve the request. Our petition requesting postponement of the proceedings until the Gagarinskiy District Court considers the counterclaim of SOVA Center against the Moscow Department of the Ministry of Justice was not granted. The

MEP Hilde Vautmans actively supports the recognition Sikhs in Belgium By Newsdesk Discover the need for Belgium and the EU to recognize Sikh...