Monday, September 4, 2023

Celebrating Europe's Rich Cultural Tapestry, European Heritage Days 2023
By Newsdesk
Europe’s cultural heritage is a treasure trove of traditions, knowledge, and skills passed down through generations. It’s a tapestry woven with threads of history, diversity, and significance. And from September 1st to November 2023, Europe invites the world to explore and celebrate this vibrant heritage during the European Heritage Days. This annual event, jointly organized

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Odesa Transfiguration Cathedral, international uproar about Putin’s missile strike (II)
Odesa Transfiguration Cathedral, international uproar about Putin’s missile strike (II)
By Willy Fautre
Bitter Winter (09.01.2023) – 23 July 2023 was a Black Sunday for the city of Odesa and for Ukraine. When Ukrainians and the rest of the world woke up, they discovered with horror and anger that the heart of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Orthodox Transfiguration Cathedral had been severely damaged by a Russian missile

Friday, September 1, 2023

Psychiatry and Pharmacocrazy, How Mental Illness Diagnoses Are Inflated
Psychiatry and Pharmacocrazy, How Mental Illness Diagnoses Are Inflated
By Juan Sanchez Gil
Psychiatry – A recent article entitled “The shady business of mental illness: how the consumption of psychotropic drugs in the US has skyrocketed (El turbio negocio de las enfermedades mentales: así se disparó el consumo de psicofármacos en EEUU)” published in EL MUNDO by Daniel Arjona on 1 September 2023, presents a critique of the
Engaging EU News, Exploring the Effects of Brexit, Eurozone and Immigration Policies
Engaging EU News, Exploring the Effects of Brexit, Eurozone and Immigration Policies
By Newsdesk
EU NEWS / As the European Union grapples with the aftermath of Brexit, the Eurozone and ongoing immigration concerns it is crucial to stay well-informed about how these factors impact the economic landscape. With much, at stake, it has never been more important to understand the intricacies of the EU decisions and policies. In a
The Orthodox Cathedral of Odesa destroyed by Putin’s missile strike: calls for funding its restoration (I)
The Orthodox Cathedral of Odesa destroyed by Putin’s missile strike: calls for funding its restoration (I)
By Willy Fautre
Bitter Winter (31.08.2023) – On the night of 23 July 2023, the Russian Federation launched a massive missile attack on the center of Odesa which created quite dramatic damages to the Orthodox Transfiguration Cathedral. International support for the reconstruction has quickly been pledged. Italy and Greece are first on the line but much more assistance is

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Something strange is happening in the Pacific and we must find out why

Something strange is happening in the Pacific and we must find out why
Something strange is happening in the Pacific and we must find out why
By EuropeanTimes

Gabon coup, Army cancels elections and seizes power

Gabon coup, Army cancels elections and seizes power
Gabon coup, Army cancels elections and seizes power
By Juan Sanchez Gil

Sony Announces “α7CR” and “α7C II”

Sony Announces “α7CR” and “α7C II”
Sony Announces “α7CR” and “α7C II”
By Juan Sanchez Gil

FIBA and Global Suppliers Partner to Launch New LED Backstop

FIBA and Global Suppliers Partner to Launch New LED Backstop
FIBA and Global Suppliers Partner to Launch New LED Backstop
By Newsdesk
Moscow’s deportation of 20,000 Ukrainian children to Russia, says a report filed with the UN
Moscow’s deportation of 20,000 Ukrainian children to Russia, says a report filed with the UN
By Newsdesk
Learn about the deportation of Ukrainian children by Russia and the efforts to bring them home. Read the report by Human Rights Without Frontiers.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Scientology volunteers at Health Fair in Denmark do their part before International Overdose Awareness Day
Scientology volunteers at Health Fair in Denmark do their part before International Overdose Awareness Day
By Newsdesk
COPENHAGEN, COPENHAGEN, DENMARK, August 30, 2023/ — A contingent of deeply concerned Scientology volunteers with the Copenhagen chapter of the Foundation for a Drug-Free World recently brought their urgent “Say No to Drugs” initiative to a major community health fair in the city. While there is one International Overdose Awareness Day which is celebrated every year, Scientologists

MEP Hilde Vautmans actively supports the recognition Sikhs in Belgium By Newsdesk Discover the need for Belgium and the EU to recognize Sikh...